The Suicide Epidemic
Did You Know…
The Third leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds is suicide. It’s the 4th leading cause of death among those 10-14 years-old. Too many seem to have a death-wish, like never before in history.
This 2-Hour presentation is designed for both secular and faith-based groups in order to act as an outreach to your community.
Contact Nick for More Info or to Schedule Training in Your Area.
This issue can no longer be ignored. YOU can help save a life!
Topics covered will include:
- Understanding suicide
- Myths about suicide
- Risk factors contributing to suicide
- Recognizing warning signs someone may be suicidal
- How to help prevent a suicide and intervene
- How to help suicide survivors
- What to say and do – what to not say and not do
- Understanding and surviving grief
- Answering the ‘why’ questions
- What can the faith community offer?
- So much more

The training includes a PowerPoint presentation and accompanying seminar notes. Nick will provide you with everything you need to promote the training in jpeg or PDF files for you to print and distribute.
Evangelist/youth communicator Nick Costello has received training in suicide prevention, intervention and postvention from the University of Maryland, approved by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation.
It is very common to have in the audience a suicide survivor, someone contemplating suicide or has attempted suicide. It is recommended you have a certified counselor present trained in suicide counseling.