In this episode of Your Day,
Doug Clay, General Superintendent for the Assemblies Of God USA, speaks with evangelist Nick Costello about helping those struggling with depression, equipping people to help save lives of those contemplating suicide, and resources for those hurting and lonely and living without hope. To connect with Nick, email, or call/text 585-746-3431 today!
Tired – Struggling – Weary?
Nick delivers a message of
Hope For The Hopeless
Nick Costello has experienced the glamorous rock and roll life millions of teens only dream about. Success didn’t fulfill his search for inner peace, security and purpose in life. His bad attitude and fast lane lifestyle of sex, drugs, rock and roll nearly destroyed him. One night, Nick surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. God miraculously rescued him from eventual destruction and then began a lifelong process of transforming his life.

Today, he ministers as an evangelist, youth communicator, school assembly speaker seminar and conference speaker. He’s calling Christians of all ages to an uncompromising walk of obedience to Christ, to become so transformed on the inside, Christ naturally manifests his life out into the world through them. They become His love on two legs, doing what Jesus commanded His followers to do in the everyday world they live in. In public schools, he’s equipping kids to make healthy, right life choices. Respected leaders say he’s a “dynamic, relevant, passionate, challenging, inspiring communicator!”
Become A Rescuer of Lost Souls Seminar
This 3 hour seminar will fully train and equip you to share the Good News and tell others about the greatest, forever, personal love relationship anyone can have in practical ways in their ever day life.
What’s The Deal About Your Music?
This message based on Nick’s book What’s The Big Deal About My Music? calls today’s Christian youth to get their music listening habits right with God, to stop fellowshipping with Satan through their music and become a true worshiper of Jesus Christ.
Click here to read a brief summary What’s The Big Deal About Your Music?